A.G.O of september 10, 2021

Given the municipal elections of March 2020 and the Covid 19 crisis, the association was unable to organize any events in 2020. The year 2020 has been submitted for all French people as well as for our association , the evolution of the pandemic and government decisions. Containment, curfew, re-containment … from March 17 to May 11, 2020 and from October 30 to December 15, 2020.

However, meetings were held with the town hall and the various cultural players in the town in order to subsequently schedule events to promote the work of Blasco Mentor.

The association’s council reported to the members present during the AGM of September 10, 2021 on the activities and accounts of the association.

The members present or represented at the Ordinary General Assembly unanimously gave moral discharge to the board on the activities and accounts of the association.

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