Statutes of the association

STATUTES of the Association approved by the AGO of April 27, 2019

Friends of Blasco Mentor’s Work


An association governed by the law of July 1, 1901 and the decree of August 16, 1901, under the title:

Friends of the Work of Blasco Mentor


The purpose of this association is:

  • support and accompany the creation of a museum dedicated to Blasco Mentor (his life, his work, his influence) in Solliès Toucas in order to perpetuate and participate in the influence of this artist’s work,
  • to promote meetings between actors of the world of culture around Mentor’s work to allow
  • a better understanding of his work, to encourage debate on his work,
  • the confrontation of points of view, in order to become a platform for forward thinking, innovative and concrete proposals on a regional, national and international scale,

The association Friends of the work of Blasco Mentor is intended to complement the fund actions of the Univers Mentor endowment (published on 09/24/2011 in the Official Journal), which alone has the legal framework allowing the promotion of the work. and the realization of the museum, by expressing the wishes of the inhabitants of Solliès Toucas interested on how to highlight the legacy of the artist.


The registered office is located at the Town Hall of Solliès Toucas 83210 Place Clément Balestra Monsieur Alain de Lespinois.

It may be transferred by simple decision of the board ratified by the general meeting.


The duration of the association is unlimited.


The association is made up of legal and natural persons:

  • a) Honorary members
  • b) Benefactor members (natural or legal persons) or sponsors or partners
  • c) Active or adherent members
  • d) Qualified personalities


The association is open to any public who have explicitly expressed their interest and motivations for the work of the association


Active members are natural or legal persons who pay a contribution.

The amount of the contributions is fixed each year by the general assembly on the proposal of the council.

The initial amount will be set at the constituent assembly. It is specified that the members defined in article 5 paragraph b above are invited as of right to all association events.


Membership is lost by:

  •  Resignation;
  •  Death;
  •  Cancellation pronounced by the council for non-payment of the subscription or for serious reasons, the interested party having been invited by registered letter to provide explanations to the council and / or in writing. The delisting must be confirmed by the general meeting;


This association may join other associations, unions or groups by decision of the board confirmed by the general assembly.


The resources of the association include:

  • The amount of entry fees and contributions;
  • Subsidies from the State, regions, departments and municipalities, or from Europe
  • All the resources authorized by the laws and regulations in force; The association may carry out economic activities and in particular studies on behalf of administrations, local or national authorities or services relating to the organization of colloquiums and conferences defined in its object;


The ordinary general assembly includes all the members of the association in whatever capacity they may be.

It meets every year no later than June 30.

At least fifteen days before the fixed date, the members of the association are convened by the President.

The agenda appears on the notices.

The President, assisted by the secretary and two assessors chosen by the assembly directs the assembly and explains the moral situation or the activity of the association.

The treasurer reports on his management and submits the annual accounts (balance sheet, income statement and appendix) for approval by the assembly.

The general assembly fixes the amount of the annual membership fees and the entry fee to be paid by the different categories of members.

Only items on the agenda can be discussed.

Decisions are taken by majority vote of members present or represented.

Minutes of meetings are kept.

The minutes are signed by the president and the secretary.

It is proceeded, after exhaustion of the agenda, with the renewal of the outgoing members of the council.

All deliberations are taken by show of hands.

The decisions of general meetings are binding on all members, including those absent or represented.


If need be, or at the request of half plus one of the registered members, the president can convene an extraordinary general meeting, according to the modalities provided for in these statutes and only for modification of the statutes or the dissolution or for acts relating to buildings. .

The convening procedures are the same as for the ordinary general meeting.

Decisions are taken by a majority of the members present or represented.


The association is managed by a council of 6 members, elected for 3 years by the general assembly. Members are eligible for re-election.

The board being renewed every year by half, the first year, outgoing members are chosen by drawing lots.

In the event of vacancies, the council temporarily provides for the replacement of its members. They are definitively replaced by the next general meeting. The powers of the members thus elected end at the expiration of the mandate of the replaced members.

The board meets at least twice a year, and as often as necessary, when convened by the chairman, or at the request of a quarter of its members. Board meetings are left to the initiative of the president.

Decisions are taken by majority vote; in the event of a tie, the president’s vote is decisive.


The general assembly elects from among its members a council composed of:

  • 1) A president;
  • 2) A vice-president;
  • 3) A secretary;
  • 4) An assistant secretary;
  • 5) A treasurer;
  • 6) An assistant treasurer;

The functions of president and treasurer or assistant treasurer cannot be combined.


Rules of procedure will be proposed by the board of directors at the first general meeting.


In the event of dissolution pronounced according to the modalities provided for in article 12, one or more liquidators are appointed, and the net assets, if any, are devolved to a non-profit organization in accordance with the decisions of the extraordinary general meeting which decides on the dissolution. Net assets cannot be vested in a member of the association, even partially, unless a contribution is taken back.


The board at the initiative of the president may appoint from among the members of the association, but outside its own ranks, from one to three people responsible for controlling the annual accounts before they are submitted by the treasurer to the general assembly.


Donations and bequests are accepted by deliberation of the council under the conditions of article 910 of the civil code.

The annual report and accounts, as defined in Article 11, are sent each year to the Prefect of the department.

The association undertakes to present its registers and accounting documents on any requisition from the administrative authorities with regard to the use of the gifts that it would be authorized to receive, to allow its establishment (s) to be visited by the representatives of these authorities. competent authorities and to report to them on the functioning of said establishments.

Done in Solliès Toucas, June 14, 2018 (V2)

Alain de Lespinois                       Hervé Martinole

President                                        Deputy Secretary

Enclosure: Annex 1 list of council members

Annex N ° 1

Board members as of September 19, 2020


Président :                                Alain de Lespinois

Vice-présidente :                     Christine Sparaco 

Secrétary :                               Paule Forner

Assistant secretary :                 Hervé Martinole

Treasurer :                                 Sandrine Martinole

Adjunct Treasurer :                   Jean Paul Kassagoye